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Thursday, March 15, 2012


From Germany, we have traveled to Asia! We see the China Pavilion's Temple of Heaven, a true one-half-scale representation of the Beijing Temple, is filled with symbolism. Built as a place of prayer for a successful harvest, each element has meaning, with a surprising secret in the heart of the temple. Look at the floor as you walk through the front doors. The concrete circles move inward in multiples of three (3 symbolizing living or giving life, and also the trinity of Heaven, Earth and Man in Chinese numerology) until they reach the center circle. Stand with your feet directly over the circle and say something. The building is acoustically perfect, causing your voice to vibrate directly back into your ears. If you step outside the center circle, and you will notice a big difference. Step back in, and you can just whisper and you still have the effect of hearing your voice bounce back to you. Interesting stuff!

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to try this....has anyone experienced this yet??
