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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Throwback Thursday!

We go in to the way.........way back machine of my Disney history.  Today we dial up a trip that I took with my kids when they were very young. It was their second trip to Walt Disney World. 

Pictured above is myself, and my 2 little guys.  Also, in the picture, is our "Guest Of Honor" badges we received.  Each one has a sticker for the very first time we visited.  Yes, mine goes way back to 1976!

We were there to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Walt Disney World, and the infamous "Castle Cake".
I loved the cake was only for such a short time in the history of the park, it was really like the blink of an eye!  Much better than the awful mess that was made with the Stitch grafitti of the castle!!
You be the judge of the lesser of two evils!
I am totally glad that I missed seeing this one in person!


  1. Well, I love pink....and fantasy....and gingerbready stuff. :)

  2. Oh wow, the badges! I have mine somewhere I think! I'd forgotten all about them! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Better find them!! They certainly are a magical remembrance of being there!!
