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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Saying Au Revior.............

Now it's time to say goodbye...............

As you may have noticed, I have not posted on here much over the last year.  
You would think since I am "retired" that I would have more time to devote to things like this, but honestly, I have no time.
We now have four cats (one Mama and 3 kittens who are 9 weeks old now.)  With my art business, art festivals, and the podcast I am on, I just don't have time to come up with new posts for this, so...................
it will be deleted next week.
So, please, subscribe to the Grand Circle Tour Podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts and like and subscribe to our YouTube channel.  We go LIVE on there and also on Facebook every Thursday evening at 9pm Eastern.
I will post the link below.

I want to thank each one of you for subscribing to this blog page.  I know some of you have been around since day one and that is over 11 years now!  

Again, Thank you for your loyalty, and just know I appreciate each one of you for sticking with me.  

Au Revior.................


Find our group on Facebook here:

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Our Stay At Port Orlean's French Quarter

 We had a one-night stay that we added to our trip to Walt Disney World back in October after our cruise.  We had stayed at Coronado Springs for a few nights, and then we wanted to add another, but they were booked up and unfortunately, could not accommodate us. So, we opted for our favorite moderate resort, Port Orleans  French Quarter. 

Here are some of the photos we took.  

The next post you will see will be about our experience taking the Horse and Buggy ride at Port Orleans Riverside, so watch for that one!

Monday, February 27, 2023

Disney History Tidbit for February 27


                                            Photo Credits: D23


Words may not fully describe designer and Imagineer Rolly Crump. So to get a handle on this spirited, multi-talented Disney designer, think: Leonardo DiVinci’s Universal Man.

A true “original,” even among Imagineers, Rolly drew forth genius in others. Disney Concept Designer John Horny observed, “Rolly has a knack for bringing out the best in others. Trusting their talent, he encourages artists to push their creativity to the limits. It’s a rare creative person who can let others run with the ball.” Show writer Jim Steinmeyer added, “The idea is king with Rolly. It doesn’t have to be his vision, as long as it works.”

Born Roland Fargo Crump on February 27, 1930, in Alhambra, California, Rolly took a pay cut as a “dipper” in a ceramic factory to join The Walt Disney Studios in 1952.

To help pay bills, he built sewer manholes on weekends. He served as an in-between artist and, later, assistant animator, contributing to Peter PanLady and the TrampSleeping Beauty, and others.

In 1959, he joined show design at WED Enterprises, now known as Walt Disney Imagineering. There, he became one of Walt’s key designers for some of Disneyland’s groundbreaking new attractions and shops, including the Haunted MansionEnchanted Tiki Room, and Adventureland Bazaar.

Rolly served as a key designer on the Disney attractions featured at the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair, including it’s a small world, for which he designed the Tower of the Four Winds marquee. When the attraction moved to Disneyland in 1966, Rolly designed the larger-than-life animated clock at its entrance, which sends puppet children on parade with each quarter-hour gong.

After contributing to the initial design of the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World in Florida, and developing story and set designs for NBC’s Disney on Parade in 1970, Rolly left the Company to consult on projects including Busch Gardens in Florida and California, the ABC Wildlife Preserve in Maryland, and Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey Circus World in Florida, among others.

He returned in 1976 to contribute to EPCOT Center, serving as project designer for The Land and the Wonders of Life pavilions. He also participated in master planning for an expansion of Disneyland until 1981, when he again departed to lead design on a proposed Cousteau Ocean Center in Norfolk, Virginia, and to launch his own firm, the Mariposa Design Group, developing an array of themed projects around the world, including an international celebration for the country of Oman.

In 1992, Rolly returned to Imagineering as executive designer, redesigning and refurbishing The Land and Innoventions at Epcot Center. Rolly “retired” from The Walt Disney Company in 1996, but continued to work on a number of creative projects. He released his autobiography, It’s Kind of a Cute Story, in 2012.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

A Visit to Coronado Springs Resort

 Back in October, we took a quick trip to Walt Disney World after a cruise.  We stayed at two resorts on this visit.  The first one was Coronado Springs, in the Grand Destino Tower.  This location has quickly become one of my new favorite places to stay.  It is like a deluxe resort with a "moderate" price point.  

This is the third time staying here for me.  As a couple. we have stayed at Coronado Springs before, but that was before the Tower was built.  As a matter of fact, it was deep into the construction stage when we stayed there.  I have stayed there traveling solo twice.  

I just love everything about this resort, but mostly the Tower!

Our WELCOME to the resort

The view from our room on the 7th floor

Photos from our Room are above

One of the most awesome pool themes

Cocktail at the Barcelona Lounge on the lover lobby level

The backdrop of the Barcelona Lounge!  So colorful!

Sitting at the bar

I took the class to make the mosaic

My design

getting it ready

A cocktail while I wait to go back to "class"

Lower lobby artwork

I just love the vibe in the lower lobby

A view of the Tower from Three Bridges Bar & Grill

Sangria Tower at Three Bridges

On the morning we moved to our next resort, we had breakfast at Rix Sports Bar.  I was so very impressed with this place.  We had never dined here before, and we are really happy we made the decision to do this.  The food was great, the coffee was excellent, and the service was wonderful!

Join me next Saturday as we talk about our one-night stay at the resort we moved to after this!